Monday, September 8, 2008

Picture that Represents My Stance/ Christphor Columbus

I pick two pitures that shows the stance I have acording to the writting of chrisphor columbus. the first picture shows how columbus started of very good and he did what ever he had to do to accomplish his goal. in the begining everything was going fairly well , he was working hard. the other pictuers is a picture of someone crying i pick this picture because it shows the time that christphor columbus was in his bad moment. This happen in his fourth voyage when he got kipnapped with his brother. What i wanted the pictures to show was that even though you may start good it doesn't mean everything is going to go that way. meaning that sometimes you work harder for other stuff than others. But even if this is happening you doen't give up , you stand back up and get back in the game.

1 comment:

mbrown8625 said...

see comments 4 and 3 please