Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Scarlet Letter Questions

The Custom House

1. What is the primary Purpose for the custom house introduction?

What i think the purpose for the custom house introduction was simply to let the reader know before actually starting to read the book how his life was in it and what type of person he was also what kind of people live within him. Also he probably wanted people to have a better understanding of what is going to happen throughout the book while really not giveback any clues about it.The introduction was a kind of through back because it was very complex and some what hard to understand well. it was very deep in other words.

2. What Significant change does Hawthorne admit to making in telling the story contained in the diary?
One of the significant change that Hawthorne goes through when he talks about his diary is that he only thinks and talk about himself and family. At the time being he only concentrates on tell people what he went through and takes their mind out of the actual story which i think was a great idea. also i think he does this to prepare the reader of what really is going to happen making the reader eve more interested. He makes the reader think and becomes to feel suspense.

3. What potential impact will this change have on the story?
The impact that this would have on the story would be much but it does make the story become more interesting because is like you know what your are getting to but not really. It helps bring the part of that something within the story will be discover and that it is probably bad. It takes you there but not really.

1 comment:

mbrown8625 said...

be aware of run-on sentences and common spelling mistakes. Also, give me more details as opposed to generaliztions