Thursday, October 23, 2008

Aren't I a Woman?

This short essay written by Sojourner Truth. She is about a former slave. Also at that moment when she is consider not a slave anymore she doesn’t waste any time to make rights for her and all the women that are not treated the way they have to be treated like. As many women at that time felt discriminated she wanted to fight for the right that white women had which were supposedly the pure one. But what I argue is what is the different about the color women than to the white . God should be in this argument because god made us all equal and nobody has the liberty to change what has already written. The following is what she argues with much detail of what she believed. This was that all women were equal and so as they were to the man. Simply it means what it is everybody is equal no matter what and no matter the color.
To begin with the first line that I found interesting was when she says that men over their says that woman need to be carried over the mud and carried on top of the carriage.

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