Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lit Response 2page

As many authors as they might be. There is not even one that doesn’t make mistakes or needs something added in their writing to make it even greater than it all ready is. The one that we will be talking about is Mr. Poe. With his amount of stories every single one being great but also having some type of floss which is not a mistake but something that can become better is a lot to be talked about. “The Pit And The Pendulum” is a great short story of his that had lots to be talked about, In good and in improving ways. Many people believe that compared to his other stories it contrast his beliefs in which he became involve in with this story. There is many to be talked about such as the word diction , the comparisons that he makes throughout the story and also the life that he gives or creates within something or someone.
To start with we will concentrate in the comparisons that he has made thru out the story “The Pit And The Pendulum”. one very important one that is very interesting is when in the begins of the story where his sees the seven candles he compares them to angels. In which is also said that it first dissolve in his mind into seven angels wearing an “aspect of charity”. my believing in why he would see these candles as angels would be that he is a religious man and at time of fear or sorrow he thinks of god or something good that will take his mind off the things that are bad. Also its very good of the things that he compares to the bible I see this important because as a believer there wouldn’t be no buts or what because you’ll know that it true , it the word of the lord. Something that I find wrong doing this might be that Mr. Poe is playing to safe. Another thing that might looked wrong is if as a author he doesn’t share this idea why would he even use it if he never had.
Now we move on to the word diction and figurative language. Mr. Poe was very worthy of what words he use and whether it was helping the reader understand what he said or believe at a certain time. An example of this would be like if he was talking about death or a moment of depression. He absolutely use words that would bring you in that state of mind he would use words such as difficult, sad , black down word with close meanings. He also use this simple same technique while talking about the word clean or nice he used words such as pure, white, snow and all of this was use for the better of the reader for a much better understanding about the concept be talked about.
Most of the story “The Pit And The Pendulum” was great and as said before anything is worthy of a opinion whether is good or bad. This story the first time being read was very difficult to understand. About the second to third time you could really see what type of author Mr. Poe is . With his great comparisons and word dictions mostly everything was able to be understood the way it had to be. But my advice would be to do something much easier so some of the concepts would be more understandable. But rather than that the story was great and interesting. This story was written to catch someone attention and the goal was accomplish.

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